CAMI-CNMI Meeting 5.23.2007

Dear CAMI-CNMI Friends and Supporters,

CAMI-CNMI held a meeting last night and there were seven people in attendance. Here are the meeting notes.

Present: Maria Islam (CAMI President), Jeanne Rayphand (CAMI Vice-President), Kaye Christian (CAMI Treasurer), Steve Nguyen (CAMI Secretary), Miwa Iguchi-Nguyen (member), Tilde Rosario (member and CGC representative), and Katharyn Tuten-Puckett (member).

Meeting started: 7:45pm Meeting ended: 8:10pm

Motion to begin meeting made by Jeanne Rayphand.

1. Community Guidance Center (CGC) has agreed to grant CAMI $10,000 to assist in CAMI's operations. CAMI will need to draft up an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to CGC along with a proposed budget and outline of its goals and activities.

2. Jeanne Rayphand (CAMI Vice-President) and Kaye Christian (CAMI Treasurer) asked for further clarification from CGC of how much of the $10,000 will go to CAMI since there seems to be a confusion involving CGC's reimbursement for Kaye's payment ($2,161.10) for George Badillo to come out here to train.

3. At this point, it is unclear whether CGC has already included Kaye's reimbursement into the $10,000 (Tilde Rosario will check with CGC's Director and update CAMI officers regarding this).

4. Jeanne Rayphand motioned (and the motion was seconded) to have CGC reimburse Kaye directly.

5. Steve (CAMI Secretary), shared that he and his wife will be leaving island and will be vacating his position as CAMI Secretary. Steve will remain as Secretary until a replacement is found.

6. Steve offered to help in continuing to maintain CAMI's blog/website at from the U.S. mainland.

7. Kaye will gather old and new CAMI officers to do the bank transfer of names. All officers will meet with Kaye at the bank to sign.

8. Jeanne asked what limits/restrictions regarding what CAMI can do with the $10,000 from CGC. Tilde (CGC) responded that CAMI is free to do "anything you want."

9. Maria and Kaye shared about their trip to Honolulu to visit the Clubhouses there. Main difference is that those Clubhouses had kitchens which gave people opportunities to learn about working.

10. Tilde gave background information on how Saipan's Clubhouse got started, as a social support group.

11. Kaye explained that the original vision was for one person to man the Clubhouse in the evening a few hours a week.

12. Steve shared his thoughts about what it takes to make for a successful supported employment and social support program - a lot of people and support from different agencies.

13. Katharyn brought up that having a kitchen will mean that there are more requirements to comply with.

14. Maria asked why not use TLC's kitchen for Clubhouse purposes since the two programs are under CGC. Tilde explained that TLC (Transition Living Center) is very limited and restricted in who can come and go.

15. Jeanne asked Tilde if the money appropriate to CAMI is limited to mentally ill clients or can it be used for those with developmental disability.

16. Tilde responded that the funds are not restricted.

17. Steve announced his upcoming "School Crisis Response Training" (a joint Beautify CNMI and CAMI-CNMI Project), available FREE, on June 13, 2007 from 6:00-9:00pm at the Multi-Purpose Center in Saipan.

18. Jeanne motioned to end meeting. Steve seconded the motion.

Meeting ended 8:10pm.

Posted byAnonymous at 5/24/2007 05:30:00 PM 2 comments