Minutes of CAMI-CNMI meeting 1/23/08


CAMI-CNMI held its regular meeting on Wednesday, January 23, 2008, at 6:15 p.m. at the Clubhouse in the BenCam Building in Garapan, Saipan.
Present: Jeanne Rayphand, Vice-President/Acting President; Kaye Christian, Treasurer; Maria Islam, member; Lorretta Islam, guest.
Called to order: The meeting was called to order by the Acting President Jeanne Rayphand at 6:15 p.m.
Minutes of 11/27/07 meeting: Were approved by majority vote.
Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer reported that we have $69 in petty cash and $200.45 in the Bank of Hawaii from fundraising activities. Donations in the value of $170.55 were donated for the TLC/CGC Christmas Party.
Old Business:
1. CHC Psych Unit Patio: Meeting was held with Joe Villagomez, Secretary of Public Health. Kaye Christian is authorized to lead committee to go forward with clearing/opening of patio to patients in Psych Unit.
2. Status of CGC Grant: Tilde Rosario was not present so status is unknown.
3. Christmas Party - TLC/CGC: Christmas party was successful; CAMI-CNMI donated t-shirts, movie passes, and gas coupons for gifts and paper products for the party.
New Business:
1. February 9, 2008, SAIWAI Valentine’s Day Walk: Motion was made that we participate in the Valentine’s Day Walk, that Kaye Christian will coordinate with TLC to include the participation of TLC residents and any other persons with mental illness, and Kaye Christian be authorized to spend up to $100 to cover the $5 participation fees for TLC residents and others with mental illness participating in the Walk. The motion was approved.
2. Teaming up with Beautify CNMI: After discussion, it was decided that Kaye Christian and Maria Islam will coordinate with Beautify CNMI and TLC/CGC to organize and join in clean up events in which TLC residents and other persons with mental illness can participate.
3 Painting walls in CHC Psyh Unit: After discussion, it was decided that Jeanne Rayphand will followup with Joe Villagomez, Secretary of Public Health, to arrange for and volunteer to paint walls in CHC Psych Unit.
4. Motion: A motion was made to pay Maria Islam $5.00 for opening the Clubhouse for this meeting. The motion was approved.
Adjourned: The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Jeanne H. Rayphand
Vice-President/Acting President

Posted byjeannerayphand at 2/13/2008 09:05:00 AM 1 comments  

Minutes of CAMI-CNMI meeting 11/27/07


CAMI-CNMI held its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 27, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse in the BenCam Building in Garapan, Saipan.
Present: Jeanne Rayphand, Vice-President/Acting President; Kaye Christian, Treasurer; Maria Islam, member; Tilde Rosario, member & CGC representative.
Called to order: The meeting was called to order by the Acting President Jeanne Rayphand at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of 9/26/07 meeting: Were approved by majority vote.
Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer reported that we have $35 in gas coupons, $95 in petty cash; and $200.45 in the Bank of Hawaii from fundraising activities.
Old Business:
1. Tilde reported that the purchase order for payment of the $10,000 grant was approved and is pending payment from Finance. Tilde will provide us a copy.
It was signed by Maria Islam who was not authorized to sign the Agreement as it was written. The Agreement will have to be amended and re-routed for signatures. A discussion was held on the funds and the history of the grant.
A motion was made to notify CGC that (1) the Agreement is invalid because it was not approved by the membership as drafted and Maria Islam was not authorized to sign the Agreement and (2) CAMI-CNMI is interested in continuing to work with CGC but cannot agree to open and maintain the Clubhouse for 20 hours a week. The Motion was seconded, discussed, and passed. Jeanne Rayphand will send a letter to Director of CGC to this effect. [A copy of the letter is attached hereto.]
2. A discussion was held on the issue of getting Maria Islam paid for the work she has done in opening and maintaining the Clubhouse. Although Maria stated at the last meeting that she did not want to get paid, all members nevertheless are in favor of Maria Islam getting paid for her work and Maria is still interested in working at the Clubhouse.
3. A discussion was held on the concern of the lack of therapy and activities at CHC Psych Unit and TLC. Dr. Gutowski, psychiatrist, is apparently here for a six months period.

New Business:
1. CGC/TLC Christmas Party. No date has yet been set; Marcy Somorang is the activity coordinator for this three-month period.
A motion was made that CAMI-CNMI participate in the CGC/TLC Christmas Party, that Kaye Christian coordinate with Marcy/CGC and that Kaye Christian is authorized to expend up to $200 of CAMI funds for the Christmas Party. The motion was seconded, discussed, and passed.
2. A motion was made that CAMI-CNMI coordinate with the Mental Health Planning Council to take action in getting the patio at the CHC Psych Unit cleaned and available for use by patients. The motion was seconded, discussed, and passed. Kaye Christian is authorized to represent CAMI-CNMI in coordinating and letting us know what can be done, including cleaning the patio area ourselves.
3. A motion was made the give $10 gas coupon to Maria Islam for opening Clubhouse for this and for last meeting. The motion was seconded, discussed, and passed.
Adjourned: The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Jeanne H. Rayphand
Vice-President/Acting President

Posted byjeannerayphand at 2/13/2008 09:04:00 AM 0 comments